14thof March this year, togehter with miss Iwona Matusik, headmistress of junior high number 2 in Brzeszcze, we hosted 213 students from Israel. Pupils from Iloni D Tel Aviv came to us accompanied by their teachers and the school headmistress, mrs Rachel Hadayo.
Among the invited guests was also mr Gil Faran, author of novel about victims of Death March buried in our town.
At the cemetary, by the grave of the Death March victims, all present took part in ceremony commemorating the dead. After the ceremony, students together with their peers from our junior high went to workshops called “What do we have in common?”. Mrs Hadayo and mr Faran met with the school authorities and representatives of our Foundation. During the meeting, we presented the profile of our activity. The listeners, thanks to multimedia presentation and discussion, had the chance to become familiar with main tasks of the Foundation and our achievements to this day. During the discussion, both sides declared the will for future cooperation, sketched its character and merithorical range.