It’s now 70 years Since the tragic events that happened on 3rd of December 1944, in Bor-Budy village. On that day, in the Zdrowak family house, were present 4 partisans from AK squad “Sosienki”: Stanisław Furdyna (nr 193), Antoni Wykręt (nr 613), Stanisław Kwiatkowski (nr 12374), and Marian Szayer (nr 17036). They were escapees from KL Auschwitz. First two managed to flee from the camp in September 1944, and just a month later, in a reckless action, they rescued Marian Szayer.
On that ill-fated day, Zdrowaks’ family house has been visited by SS soldier Aleks, who met the partisans and expressed a desire to join their squadron, then left, allegedly to bring some firearms from the camp. Not long after Aleks’s departure, trucks filled with SS soldiers stopped in front of the house. Armed Germans surrounded the building, and a shootout started. Partisans returned fire. In an uneven fight, three of them were shot on the scene, only Antoni Wykręt had been captured. On the way to the camp for public execution, he managed to escape. He was the sole survivor of the gunfight, he was also the only one member of the squad to survive the war, he died in 1995.

Zdrowak family, along with their daughters Zofia and Emilia have been arrested. Their 10-year-old son at the time was hiding in the neighbor’s house, so he avoided arrest. Also taken away was the flatmate of Zdrowaks, Edmund Kluczny, and all of the men from neighborhood as hostages. The arrested hostages have been released 2 weeks after that.
Zdrowak family have been sent to block 11 in the camp detention cell. For hiding the partisans they got the death sentence, preceded by investigation with brutal questioning. They somehow managed to survive long enough for camp evacuation on the day 16th to 17th of January 1945, they ended in a “Death March” column. Jan Zdrowak was sent to KL Mauthausen, where he died. Anna Zdrowak with daughters had much more luck, they managed to flee from the evacuation unit.
In the article were used photographs shown on display in the the building of former school in Bor village, which is currently taken care of by our Foundation.